five o'clock shadow

美 [ˌfaɪv əˌklɑːk ˈʃædoʊ]英 [ˌfaɪv əˌklɒk ˈʃædəʊ]
  • n.(早上刮脸后下午又长出的)胡须楂儿
five o'clock shadowfive o'clock shadow


the dark colour that appears on a man's chin and face when the hair has grown a little during the day

  1. A five o'clock shadow is facial stubble , it sometimes describes a man 's beard at the end of the day .


  2. Hermann Bahr : The Founder of Viennese Modernism ; He sported a heavy five o'clock shadow for his role as Captain Ahab in Herman Melville 's " Moby Dick " .
